About Shinkyokushin Karate
Our Style
Kyokushin karate is a traditional Japanese style of karate developed by the late Sosai Masutatsu (‘Mas’) Oyama. It is highly effective and is considered the strongest karate style.
“Shin” translates to new. We are a new organisation training in the old traditional way.
Shinkyokushin Karate Northern Beaches is a member, as are its students, of the World Karate Organisation Shinkyokushin Kai which is one of the largest karate organisations in the world.
Our organisation’s symbol is called “Kokoro”, which means heart in Japanese and describes the melding of the ‘mind’, ‘body’ and ‘skill’ through diligent training and exploration of ourselves in the search for personal development leading to a deeper understanding of ourselves and others.
Our classes
A general karate class usually consists of a combination of stretching, basic techniques such as punches, kicks and blocks, moving basics and kata followed by fitness drills and a few rounds of sparring as time allows.
A session can include fitness and conditioning, partner work with kicking pads or bags, footwork, agility, defensive and offensive techniques and applying newly learnt skills in a controlled setting while practising with a partner.
The structure of the class is altered to accommodate different skill levels and the focus changes weekly depending on what goals the students are working towards.
New to Karate?
The first 2 classes are free for anyone wishing to try karate.
If you have any questions, please reach out through our contact page.